Monday, May 12, 2008

on the rocks...

Well, I finally got out for a ride on my mountain bike. The last time I rode it was right before my car accident October 15, 2007. So, what did I decide to do for my first mountain bike ride in seven months? A race! French Creek "On the Rocks." It didn't help that I had been on antibiotics for a few days to get rid of my sinus infection.

It was really cool to have Cheffrey along for the race. I think it was his first mtb race in a bunch of years. He was a little shocked by all the people with disc brakes, 29-inch wheels, and single-speeds...

The race was relatively uneventful. I did have one crash going uphill. Two guys passed me and asked if I was alright... nothing but a bruised ego, and hand, and hip...

After struggling to make up the last very short, very slight incline to the finish, where 5 people passed me, this guy looks at me and asks, "Hey, did you just finish?" "Yes," I answer. He pumps his fist and shouts, "ALL RIGHT!! I WASN'T LAST!!!" Gee, thanks for pointing that out...

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