Saturday, March 11, 2006

More Sophie

Yes, I know I have not updated in a while... sorry about that. Finally uploaded a picture of Sophie:

Everyone is doing great. Jacob seems to be adjusting well to having a baby sister in the house. Kristen is also doing great. It is almost as if she never went through labor. I'd say she is already fully recovered. She's the BEST! Sophie had her first doctor's appointment, just a check up, and she has already surpassed her birth weight.

Here's a little story for you from this morning. I was changing Sophie's diaper and commented on how there was not that much poo in it. I got her diaper on halfway and... (insert fart sound here)... more poo! It got all over my hand and her sleeper. Oh great, another diaper and I have to change her sleeper too. So, I start to change her second diaper and...(insert fart sound)... more poo! This time the diaper was not on her at all! Yep, poo all over the place, it was on my leg, my hand was covered in it, it was all over the bed, and now her onesie was covered! Meanwhile, Kristen is laughing her butt off... real funny!

Just a short note on a few of the comments from the previous post:
Yes, I am Catholic.
No, my life is not over, just different. (which is what this blog is about)
Mom is not too fond of the F-bomb.
Sophie will probably get her brother's bike.
and thanks to everyone for your well-wishes.

Thanks for reading!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Guess you can change your DroopyRides...DavidDrives poem. Sophie is not on the way . . . she has arrived in very womanly and gracious style according to your report of the diaper change. GO SOPHIE! ! !