Monday, August 21, 2006

Aw man, that hurt...

Jeb got himself a play kitchen. The thing is HUGE! It's pretty cool, looks like it will stand the test of time, it's well built. Being that the kitchen is so huge, it had to come in a pretty huge cardboard box. Now, I'm more excited about the cardboard box than I am about the kitchen. "Man, we can make a cardboard house out of that box!" I start cutting here and there, a door! Hmm, how am I going to get the roof on? Tape! Lots of tape! With the correct supports here and there it will stay up, I'm sure of it! As we are raising the roof and applying tape to strategic locations, I need to hold the supports with one hand and get the tape off of the "gun" with the other... That's when it happens... the tape is stuck to my lip! I don't know how it happened but it did. Instead of being patient and wetting the adhesive with my tongue, until the glue dissolves and the tape falls off. I ripped the tape off! Yes, there was a big chunk of my lip on the tape! Needless to say that when you rip a chunk of skin off of your lip you start to bleed! Yeah, that hurt...

1 comment:

Fort James said...

You definately should have posted a pic of that!

Getting ready for cross?