Tuesday, August 01, 2006


Things are not looking good for Floyd. It came out that his 'A' sample showed a ratio of 11:1, the limit is 4:1, DOH! It also showed the presence of "non-natural" testosterone, DOH! Spanish Ex-Pro cyclist, Jesus Manzano, spilled the beans on how testosterone could be used by pro-cyclists, and it seemed to fit with Floyd's "wonder stage", DOH!

Now, it leads me to wonder what good the uci is doing by publicly putting a cycling through such a scandal. It certainly is not going to attract any new sponsors! Well maybe drug companies... hmm, tour of California Actually there are probably a bunch of drug companies that sponsor cycling. So, maybe keeping doping center stage in the media is attracting sponsors and doing good for the sport?

However, I think if the uci handled it with a lot more discretion it wouldn't be such a black-eye for cycling. Think about it. If the uci privately contacted Floyd and his team, and everything was kept on the down-low until the "b" sample was tested. If the B sample was positive, then do the press releases, hang to guilty party, yadda, yadda. Instead we have weeks of cycling and doping in the mainstream media... great for the sport, thanks uci!

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