Thursday, January 25, 2007

Postcards from Mom...

My mother can be a bit quirky sometimes. She likes to reuse stuff, like postcards...

I get a postcard from her the other day. She wants to know if I want a red or flame Le Creuset oval dutch oven (A Christmas present she was going to exchange for me, I can't wait to make some carnitas in it). She put two spaces on the card where I could check which one I wanted. I understand her sending the card, I'm kind of busy and all I would have to do is check the box and send it back, very considerate of her, but she called me to tell me she sent the postcard and asked me which one I wanted over the phone anyway! I don't know where she got this card but it was a gift card she found somewhere for a subscription to Natty G. Now I'd hate to waste a perfectly good postcard that has already been written on. Especially since it already had the postage paid. So, I decided to write mom a little note... on every available space of the postcard and as small as I can write. I gotta get my money's worth out of that postage stamp! Kristen sees me hunched over this card and shakes her head wondering what the heck I'm up to. I proudly show her how much writing I have managed to fit on the empty spaces of the card. Kris shakes her head again, "You think she'll be able to read that?" Hmm, hadn't thought about anyone actually reading it...

... A few days later I get a call from my mom and she can hardly talk, she is laughing so hard, she manages to tell me she has been laughing for the last half-hour reading my card! She liked it! and I guess she could read it, most of it anyway...

Although, I'm still waiting for my Natty G subscription ;-)

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Go carts and class

One of the benefits of working for municipal government is I get 13 holidays off. So, I had Monday, Martin Luther King Day off. I spent most of the day running around with the family, we went to the tile store (we're picking out tile for the foyer-downstairs bathroom), etc... After I got jacob to go down for his nap, I headed down to Henry's to pick up a few things and work on my wheels. I got my spinergy as true as I could then onto my tubulars. The rear freehub was all jacked up, ended up cramming it full of lube, we'll see how long that lasts. The most notable thing was that I was able to lift the tublar right off of the rim! The glue was not sticking! Apparently in the last crash-fest, I mean race, I had rolled the tubular and it had popped back on. Boy was I lucky I didn't race Nationals! It could have been ugly!

Went out to a mexican restaurant with Brent, Rick and Jen. I don't get to eat mexican very often anymore. It is a big change from the days working at the shop when we had mexican almost everyday for lunch! The "cart" had some pretty awesome tortas!

At dinner Brent says something about the go-carts in Wilmington. Yep, we ended up racing go carts for the rest of the evening. Those things are pretty fast, my back, shoulders, arms and hands are still sore! My best time was 23.111 and that was on the track when I couldn't get by "Vanilla Killa", she was wearing red high heels while racing. Yeah, I was pretty pissed I couldn't get by her. She even flipped me off at one point! Oh yeah, Brent flipped me off too! It wasn't like I took them into the wall or anything... rubbin's racin'...

Tuesday night had my Planning Law and Administration class. Everything I had heard about the class was that it was pretty easy with a lot of guest speakers. Turns out my class is being taught by a Penn professor, who has been teaching Planning law and Environmental Law for the past 30 years or so! Aren't I the lucky one! Tons of reading, a 25 page paper (due April 17, TAX TIME!), and a take home exam due May 8th (my anniversary)! So, at least I got that going for me!

And I wanted to take two classes this semester... yeah right!

Looks like I'm going to have to put my "spring racing" on hold...
See you all sometime in mid-May! (I hope it won't be that bad)

Saturday, January 13, 2007

Under the weather...

Ever since I got back from nationals I have been "under the weather". It started with hives that were all over the place and any time I scratched an itch it became worse. One week of it and I had enough. I actually went to a doctor. She said I was allergic to something, "Do you have a Christmas tree?". I'm allergic the the Christmas tree?!?!?!?

I was taking an antihistimine she gave me. Took a weeks worth but still wasn't better. We tried changing detergant. Not it. Took all the Benadryl we had in the house. Now I've been battling a cold for the past week. It sucks! Past few days its been a Tylenol cold and allergy. In addition to the cold-allegy meds, I've been trying heavy doses of chocolate (there are tons of Hershey kisses at work). In addition to the chocolate, cold allegy meds, I've been trying to dull the "pain" with several beers a night. Nothing seems to be helping...

The tree is gone as of Tuesday, I hope that helps...

Sunday, January 07, 2007


Didn't get to sit down and watch much of the game, but got to see the end.
Derek is in KC for his new job and was at chicago pub watching the game and checking the blog. He apparently shared the fridge photo withe the bartender, Joe. Joe said something like, "You got him beat! You have thirty beers to choose from, he only has 2!"

After loading Sophie up with wagon wheels I called the chicago pub in kansas city and asked for Joe the bartender. "Joe. I'd like to pay off my friend Derek's tab and buy him a drink." Joe replies, "He just settled up and left!". I reply "He is such a LOSER!!!"

So, I talk to Derek and he says, "I was sitting at the bar and someone tells Joe he has a call, and I tell him I'm going to leave anyway." DEREK!!! THAT WAS ME ON THE PHONE!!! YOU LOSER!!!! Oh wait a minute... the giants LOST!!!!! That's right!!!

Hmm, Kris should be home any minute now...
Hope she doesn't see all the beer caps... shhhh....

By the Way, i think I figured out where all of Sophie's wagon wheels went:

It was a good game, the Eagles finally figured out some clock management.
Derek, sorry both of your temas lost! Kansas City Chiefs and the Giants! How did KU do? Wish we could have gotten together today. Can't wait to visit KC.
(for all you cyclocrossers, yep, I have a place to stay in KC for nationals next year)


There's a game on?

Gotta feed Sophie:

Check the chili:

Help Jeb with Blue's Clues game(I guess there won't be any IM):

Gotta get a beer:

Holy cow... there's more I swear... how many wagon wheels can Sophie eat?

I have to put the caillou game in... jeb said pretty please for the hundreth time... thank you to whoever got jeb the blue's clues and caillou game!

Eagles Giants PLAYOFFS!

My buddy Derek is in Kansas City. He got a new job. We usually get together for EAGLES giants games. So, we're trying to figure something out... IM or something...
In the meantime GO EAGLES!!