Tuesday, October 02, 2007

Cross Preparation Part 2

Well, last week I actually rode 4 days! Two of those I rolled my lazy ass out of bed and rode the trainer before work. Thursday I met up with Chef and did our Allamuchy road loop. So, it was a nice ride, a little harder than last time I rode it. I was even lucky enough to catch a cold!

On to Sunday, Jeff and I had an opportunity to actually meet up and ride on a weekend, which is very unusual. We had to plans: 1. meet at the Salisbury Trails in Bethlehem, then go to the Highland Pub afterwards. 2. meet down at my place and ride the country roads around my house, then get some of the best wings from Big Daddy's A flip of the coin and we went with riding from my house. Which was really nice for me, I rarely get to show anyone the roads I ride on around here.

The plan was to meet around 8:30-9:00. I popped up out of bed at 7:30... crap... Kristen has my car with my road bike in it! I call Jeff to discuss options. He says he was debating whether to call and cancel or not because he was feeling sick too. After some deliberation it was decided I'd ride my cross bike. Strike 1 averted.
Run downstairs to get ready... DUH!!! when I ride the cross bike I use my road wheels, and they're in North Philly! Gee, I hope I have some road tires lying around. Grab one and throw it on, turns out it was the one with the cut in the side wall... STRIKE 2. Ended up finding some OLD tires to throw on. Strike 2 averted. Started getting ready... AW crap!!! my bag with all my riding stuff is in my car... which is in North Philly!!! Grab the old limar helmet with no padding in it, decide I'll wear a cap underneath... the good one is in North Philly... what about this mercatone uno cap? The bill is horribly disfigured... Oh my old syncros cap... that'll work... STRIKE 3 averted.

Finally made it out the door and had a really nice 2.25 hour ride on northern bucks county roads. About 1.5 hours in, I started struggling! Yeah I'm out of shape...

Got home with no major incidents. Went to Big Daddy's to grab some wings and beer, I only had a few in the fridge. Ended up walking out of there with a bucket of wings, chicken fingers and fries for Jeb, and a six pack of Pabst Blue Ribbon tall boys. Cross training at its finest! I was cool to hang with Jeff and my son watching football and eating bar food. Thanks for coming down Jeff!

PS- Chef Jeff brought some homemade salsa, the stuffs ROCKS!

PPS- I wrote this blog instead of riding the trainer this morning. I had the wrong rear wheel and didn't feel like running out to the car... STRIKE 1 and I'm out.

1 comment:

Derek Seitz said...

Pabts? What the hell is going on now that I am gone!