Tuesday, May 02, 2006

and we're off...

Here we are ready to go.

I knew I would forget something. Turns out I forgot my shorts. I had to borrow a pair of Derek's shorts. I can't remember the last time I rode in shorts and boxers? Maybe in High School.

We had to climb up and over the mountain to get down to Stephen's. It is pretty much road or paved path the entire way. So, it wasn't as big a deal as it could have been. It was still a tough climb! We're cruising down the other side, trying to hit top speed. I was just kind of coasting not really letting it hang out and they got quite a ways ahead of me. Next thing I know there is a tight right hand 90 degree turn, and I'm going way too fast! Overcooked the turn and had to thread my way between a huge rock and a rather large tree into the woods. It could have been really ugly. I don't even like thinking about how close it was.

So, we are riding in Stephen's and Cheff says to Derek, "Isn't this where you flatted last time?"

Yep, he flatted about 2 seconds after Cheff makes his comment. Pretty strange...

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